200 Max
200 Max is a set of Buchla 200 modules.
This set of Buchla 200 module approximations is the largest number that will fit comfortably on most displays without scrolling. The selection of modules emphasizes variety of functions.
- Two 258-style Dual Oscillators.
- One 2-op FM / Modulation Oscillator combo.
- Quad Envelope Generator.
- Quad LoPass/VCA.
- Dual Bandpass VCF.
- Dual random voltage source.
- Dual/Quad stepLFO/Pulse Source.
- Dual CV Processor.
- Ten Channel Comb Filter.
- Six channel mixer.
The keyboard controls module is based on some of the functions of the 221 Kinesthetic Input Port, including the unique “2D Voltage Source”, a joystick that outputs four distinct control voltages: from center up, from center down, from center left and from center right.
These are NOT intended to be a emulations of the sound or precise function of any Buchla modules or instrument; only a way to experience some of the unique ‘West Coast’ way of thinking about sound generation and alteration.
Patching is by drop-downs at each signal and CV input.
Visit: 200 Max