Sca is an analogue synth made of crossed forms combined with an ambient emulation of many instruments, you will be able to start from instruments sounds tweaking the acoustic parts.
A great tool in other ways if you wish to mess up colors and weight of the instruments by your synthesizer.
How to play Sca: read the user manual !
No sample and “acoustic” sounds based :
Piano, flute, brass, strings, plucked all marvelous.
oriental and occidental instruments are present.
SCA “signal control ambient”
Sustaining pure sine wave based sounds, < the most prevalent sound for each instrument family in parallel of a good reverb. Result the best emulation, on this keyboard you play tuned as real instrument sounds. Best envelope, eq scale range, many ambient controls and no sample.
sound is very stable, may be the next target is a smaller version focusing music productivity and discret interface.
“the sounds are magically colorful and live” this is a meeting with the silky notes of each acoustic family, a journey, how simple tuning your whole synth then go play all your sounds … go ahead:
Alpha9 news:
Old Fxp “shut sound ” bug was repaired for 90% of the early version (better keep using respective older versions, much safer)
tech :
The Mtone is accurate as cent, diapason tuning works (automatic and precise).
Animated ADSR SPECTRUM in music mode “ADSR editor gauge.
V5 first tunable version of SCA (probably the last for Kvr challenge).
now get all the instruments tuned :
Tuning tools, now find automatically the pure A 880hz for all instruments:
Microtone tool, add it to your tuned instrument “15 types Mtone selection “.
On screen all tunings are shown for the fastest and best precision freq/tune setup.
Output sound quality always better.
A new sound demo, listen all kinds of instruments emulated by the SCA.
New updates everyday.
Now a precision tuning, Adsrc and visualization modes were added.
(complete version, Midplayer and tuning are fully operational).
Latest SCA:
20.09 Updated ” Alpha Sca complet ” Version 1.54C.
24 09 new V54c rev M, microtone new tool “now tuned” (first ready to play):
26.09 controls revised /augmented and display optimized.
28.09 Available SCA V1.54A The definitive real Alpha full features now tune.
“ New manual for MIDI player and synthesis mode “
Happy VST fun.
{See video at top of page}
An easy synthesizer, no latency at 1000 samples buffer.
Installing the sca, first start creates a SCA files folder.
(Sca is a synthedit plugin, it runs Vb2015 runtime).
Found on strainwave site.